Maps & Directions

Below is a map showing the location of HMP Guys Marsh and another for Gillingham station, where visitors can catch the NORDCAT Shuttle bus, which operates on Saturdays only.

The NORDCAT bus meets the trains at Gillingham Station from both London and Exeter directions which arrive around 12.00 noon.

The mini-bus is not always marked NORDCAT or displays a destination but the bus should be recognisable.

The first NORDCAT bus arrives at Gillingham Station around 12:00 (mid-day) for a 12:20 departure and the second at 13:00 (1pm)  for a 13:20 (1:20 pm) departure. If there are more passengers than can fit on one bus, the bus will return to pick up any remaining.

The bus back to Gillingham Station arrives at HMP Guys Marsh around 15:30 (3:30 pm) for a 16:00 (4 pm) departure.

You may contact NORDCAT on 01258 472164

Information on visiting HMP Guys Marsh can be found on or call 01747 856586, lines open Mon-Thurs 13.00 – 15.00 and Fri 11.30 – 13.00.

Please note: The ticket prices on the link above are incorrect. Adults are £4 return and under 16s are £2 return and babies on laps are free.

HMP Guys Marsh

Nordcat pick up point (Saturdays only)